Housing Interiors
Here is a list of all available housing interiors:
(Please be as realistic as possible to your requested location)
Interior Name: classichouse2_shell
Interior Name: classichouse3_shell
Interior Name: classichouse_shell
Interior Name: classicmotel_shell
Interior Name: container2_shell
Interior Name: container_shell
Interior Name: default_housing1_k4mb1
Interior Name: default_housing2_k4mb1
Interior Name: default_housing3_k4mb1
Interior Name: default_housing4_k4mb1
Interior Name: default_housing5_k4mb1
Interior Name: default_housing6_k4mb1
Interior Name: deluxe_housing1_k4mb1
Interior Name: deluxe_housing2_k4mb1
Interior Name: deluxe_housing3_k4mb1
Interior Name: furnitured_lowapart
Interior Name: furnitured_midapart
Interior Name: furnitured_motel
Interior Name: gunworkshop_k4mb1
Interior Name: highend_housing1_k4mb1
Interior Name: highend_housing2_k4mb1
Interior Name: highend_housing3_k4mb1
Interior Name: highendmotel_shell
Interior Name: k4coke_shell
Interior Name: k4_hotel1_shell
Interior Name: k4_hotel2_shell
Interior Name: k4_hotel3_shell
Interior Name: k4_mansion2_shell
Interior Name: k4_mansion3_shell
Interior Name: k4_mansion_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_acid2_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_acid_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_apa1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_apa2_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_apa3_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_basement1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_basement2_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_basement3_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_basement4_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_basement5_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_biker1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_biker2_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_biker3_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_casinohotel_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_classic4_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_classic5_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_classic6_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_drug_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_furnishedoffice1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_furnishedoffice2_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_furnishedoffice3_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_furnishedoffice5_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_hoodhouse1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_house1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_house2_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_house3_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_house4_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_laundry_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_loft1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_loft2_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_loft3_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_motel1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_motel2_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_palhouse1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_sandyhouse1_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_trap2_shell
Interior Name: k4mb1_trap_shell
Interior Name: k4meth_shell
Interior Name: k4_motel1_shell
Interior Name: k4_motel2_shell
Interior Name: k4_motel3_shell
Interior Name: k4weed_shell
Interior Name: kambi_emptyhouse1
Interior Name: kambi_furnishedhouse1
Interior Name: luxury_housing1_k4mb1
Interior Name: luxury_housing2_k4mb1
Interior Name: luxury_housing3_k4mb1
Interior Name: luxury_housing4_k4mb1
Interior Name: manor_housing1_k4mb1
Interior Name: medium_housing1_k4mb1
Interior Name: medium_housing2_k4mb1
Interior Name: medium_housing3_k4mb1
Interior Name: modernhotel2_shell
Interior Name: modernhotel3_shell
Interior Name: modernhotel_shell
Interior Name: modern_housing1_k4mb1
Interior Name: modern_housing2_k4mb1
Interior Name: modern_housing3_k4mb1
Interior Name: new_garages1_k4mb1
Interior Name: new_garages2_k4mb1
Interior Name: new_garages3_k4mb1
Interior Name: new_garages4_k4mb1
Interior Name: safehouse_k4mb1
Interior Name: shell_apartment1
Interior Name: shell_apartment2
Interior Name: shell_apartment3
Interior Name: shell_banham
Interior Name: shell_barber
Interior Name: shell_coke1
Interior Name: shell_coke2
Interior Name: shell_frankaunt
Interior Name: shell_garagel
Interior Name: shell_garagem
Interior Name: shell_garages
Interior Name: shell_gunstore
Interior Name: shell_highend_1
Interior Name: shell_highendv2
Interior Name: shell_lester
Interior Name: shell_medium2
Interior Name: shell_medium3
Interior Name: shell_meth
Interior Name: shell_michael
Interior Name: shell_office1
Interior Name: shell_office2
Interior Name: shell_officebig
Interior Name: shell_ranch
Interior Name: shell_store1
Interior Name: shell_store2
Interior Name: shell_store3
Interior Name: shell_trailer
Interior Name: shell_trevor
Interior Name: shell_v16low
Interior Name: shell_v16mid
Interior Name: shell_warehouse1
Interior Name: shell_warehouse2
Interior Name: shell_warehouse3
Interior Name: shell_weed2
Interior Name: shell_weed
Interior Name: shell_westons_1
Interior Name: shell_westons2_1
Interior Name: standardmotel_shell
Interior Name: stashhouse1_shell
Interior Name: stashhouse2_shell
Interior Name: stashhouse3_shell
Interior Name: stashhouse_shell
Interior Name: vinewood_housing1_k4mb1
Interior Name: vinewood_housing2_k4mb1
Interior Name: warehouse_k4mb1
Category: Supporter
supporter interior mlo requestPublished By: Glitch
Updated On: 12/05/2024 16:26