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Keybinds and Commands

Interacting in the world around you in NBRP can be achieved by using a mix of the "third eye" and single key inputs. Quick commands and actions can also be found within the F1 radial menu.

L-ALT: Third Eye
F1: Radial Menu
Shift + G: Mini-map
E: Use (Banks, ATMs, etc)
U: View nearby player IDs

Voice Settings
N: Talk (Default)
L-ALT: Talk on radio (Default)
~: Cycle voice range (Whisper, normal, shouting)

Character Settings
B: Point
H: Put hands up
F4: Emote Menu
CTRL: Cycle between sneaking, crouching, proning, and standing.
Shift + A/D: Rotate camera in clothing menu
A/D: Rotate character in clothing menu.

M: Access phone
Up Arrow: Selfie
Scroll Wheel: Camera zoom

Z: View hotbar
1-6: Use according hotbar slot
Tab: Open inventory / Trunk (Whilst standing at the trunk)

\: Switch engine on / off
Backspace: Hazards
-: Left turn signal
=: Right turn signal
L: Lock vehicle
Y: Cruise control
B: Seat belt

Alt + Up/Down Arrow: Toggle firemode (Single, burst, or automatic)
Right Mouse: Aim down sights
Scroll Wheel: Switch between ironsights and hipfire
R: Reload

Useful Commands
/assist: Request an admin
/getintrunk: Attempt to get in a trunk
/givecarkeys: Temporarily give keys to a car until tsunami
/hidehud: Hide your HUD for those gorgeous pictures.
/showhud: And bring it back, after.

Category: FAQ

keybinds commands

Published By: Glitch

Updated On: 10/26/2023 03:44